Trash2Cash - A Sustainable Plastic Bottle Disposal solution by Chakra Suthra

Dear Sri Lankans,

Plastic recycling in Sri Lanka has become a lot easier and innovative. Only 20% of all the plastic bottles in Sri Lanka are getting recycled. The rest ends up in landfills, in nature and in our beaches and oceans.😣 'We', consumers are responsible for this. The traditional waste and recycling methods fail to address this issue of plastic bottles.

If there's an incentive, it might encourage and eventually, change the behaviour of plastic disposal of consumers. 

Yesterday I visited the Trash2Cash plastic bottle accepting kiosk at Keells Super, Union place. This is a project initiated by Chakra Sutra. What happens is, for every plastic bottle you insert into the machine, one point (LKR 1.00) is sent to your mobile number. You can redeem those points while shopping at Keells Super Union place outlet (before the end of that month). 

This is done in collaboration with Keells Union place, Vega Innovations and Eco Spindles.

Great initiative! Chakra Suthra 

With Love,

